We Are Closed
If you call the surgery telephone number outside of surgery hours please contact NHS 111 for advice & guidance. They will be able to advice you on the closest Urgent Care Centre and how to access GP services.
You can also check your symptoms and access support and guidance via NHS 111 online using the link below.
Get help for your symptoms - NHS 111
Call 999 if you or someone you are caring for is experiencing any of the below life threatening symptoms:
Loss of Responsiveness (you are unable to wake or communicate with patient, they appear not to be breathing)
Breathing Difficulty
Severe Bleeding
Severe Allergic Reactions - ( Look for -Red Rash/watery eyes, swelling of hands, feet or face, abdominal pain vomitting or Diarrhoea. There may also be difficulty breathing , swelling of tongue/throat, puffy eyes, confusion, agitation, signs of shock/collapse)
Severe Burns/Scalds
Seizures - that are not stopping
Severe/persistent chest pain
An acute confused state